We bring you a variety of awakened,
loving and wise spiritual teachers.
These spiritual teachers are deeply rooted in the Truth that we are all
They travel widely in the United
States, Canada, Mexico, Spain, and Dubai holding events, retreats and
working with people in one-on-one sessions.
Now, through the power of the
internet, you can connect with them from the
comfort of your home when it is convenient for you.
Download their recordings and
take them with you wherever you go.
They are here to serve &
support you in awakening awarness and integrating it into your daily life.
It does not matter
where yuo are from, only where yuo are NOW.
Yassy Goldie
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"We really grew from the sessions with you. I learned things
from being with you about enhancing Presence that could only be
learned through sitting with you. "
way that you guided us into a state of Presence and helped us all
to maintain it throughout the sessions was wonderful. Thank you
so much for being available to guide us all on our shared awarness.
Paula Sadlers, Salty Springs Island, B.C.
************ ************** ** **** *** **** * ** * * * * *** *
"Thank you for sharing your wisdom and great energy with us;
You were a powerful inspiration to many."
Candy Parley, New Brunswick
that basic comforts could be easily met for all humans on the
planet, were it not for the imbalance of resources created by
the insane and hungry gluttonous need for more. Selfish Zombies
find collective expression in the economic structures of this
world, such as the huge corporations, which are egotistical zombie
entities that compete with each other for more. Their only blind
aim is profit $$$ and will pursue that aim with absolute ruthlessness.
Nature, animals, people, even their own employees, are no more
than digits on a balance sheet, lifeless objects to be used, then
Eckheart Trolle
So long as you have
a frontier; nationally, economically, religiously, or socially,
it is an obvious fact that there cannot be peace in the world.
For it breeds isolation and isolation is a process of the search
for power. Because you in yourself are empty, dull, and weak,
you like to identify yourself with something greater, which is
the desire for power, which breeds isolation.
The nationalist is a curse because through his very nationalistic,
patriotic spirit, he is creating a wall of isolation. He is so
identified with his country that he builds a wall against another
one. This very resistance indicates that he is in conflict with
the other and this cannot bring about peace in the world. The
man who is a nationalist and talks of brotherhood is telling a
lie; he is living in a state of contradiction.
Can one live in a world without the desire for power, position,
and/or authority? One does when one does not identify oneself
with something greater.
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